AHEPA Monthly Meetings are held the second Monday of each month in the Charles Soufas Chapter Room on the second floor of the AHEPA 284 Apartments located at 451 Pelham Road, Columbia,  SC.  The Board of Directors meets 6:00 to 6:45 PM to discuss all of the up-coming events and plan for the chapter meeting.  Then at 6:45 to 7:00 PM social and fellowship. At 7:00 till 7:30 PM a sit down dinner which is prepared by four different brothers each month.  At 7:30 PM our regular meeting starts.  Finally at 9:00 PM fellowship begins again with card playing-gin rummy etc.






If anyone wants a story of interest concerning a local brother or an event involving AHEPA placed in the ChapterGram forward them to:

Michael G. Geronimakis - Secretary

100 Old Cherokee Rd., Ste F8

Lexington, Sc. 29072



E-Mail them to mgeronimakis@aol.com

All articles need to be in by the 30th of each month

to be included in the next month's newsletter.


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